Tag Rigor

Google Lighthouse score, could this be the lowest you’ve ever seen?

We happened upon a website recently, following an unrelated Google search and, out of curiosity, decided to run a Rigor performance test against it, due to its tardy response. The...

Video - How Rigor can be used to add a Performance Gate to your Jenkins CI Pipeline.

In this short demo we look at how Rigor can be used as a performance gate for your Jenkins CI pipeline. 

Adding performance and code quality gates to Jenkins CI

Recently we recorded a short video (2 mins 58s) to demonstrate how you can enhance your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline by added additional gates to stop slow or erroneous code...

Are you ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2019?

This post may seem very early, but the upcoming Amazon Prime Day this week (15-16th July 2019) is a good reminder that as an e-commerce platform you really do need...

We enjoyed the show at Devoxx 2019

 Well, we had a busy couple of days last week at Devoxx 2019, and all came back with some serious aches.

Supercharge your CI Pipeline? Come see us at Devoxx

If you are running a Continuous Integration pipeline using a tool such as Jenkins, then our upcoming talk is for you. Next week we will be demonstrating 2 new ways...

What is RUM, and how does it differ to Synthetics?

When you start researching and looking into web performance and monitoring, you are bound to come across several words and acronyms; EUM (End User Monitoring), Synthetic Monitoring, RUM (Real User...

Reflections on last night's web performance dinner

Last night we held our second Rigor Web Performance Dinner, where we were joined by some great people from well known brand names, all at various stages of their web...

Domain Sharding – is it still relevant?

Continuing with our recent Rigor announcement, I was recently questioned over some advice I had given on domain sharding, and whether it was still relevant today.

Join Rigor and AP for a web performance industry dinner

After the success of our last industry dinner in November 2018, we are pleased to hold another at Gaucho (City) London. We look forward to you joining the informal discussion...

Rigor - more than just web performance monitoring

You may have seen our recent announcement, but if not, we’re pleased to reveal that we are now officially the sole UK representative of Rigor; we look forward to helping many more businesses enjoy...

Announcing our Partnership with Rigor

Rigor and Application Performance announce UK web performance monitoring and optimisation partnership. 

2018 - Looking back - and some new ideas for 2019

Before jumping into 2019, we would like to thank you for all we accomplished together during the last year! We are proud to be working with you, helping you get the most...