Mick McGuinness
Mick McGuinness AP co-founder & DBmarlin Product Manager

Supercharge your CI Pipeline? Come see us at Devoxx

Supercharge your CI Pipeline? Come see us at Devoxx

If you are running a Continuous Integration pipeline using a tool such as Jenkins, then our upcoming talk is for you. Next week we will be demonstrating 2 new ways to enhance your CI workflow and stop bugs and performance issues early, before they reach production.

The Devoxx conference returns to London from the 8-10th May and AP’s Martin Pinner and Ben Cripps will be returning once again to present a “ Byte-Size Session”. The session on Friday at 13:15, looks at how you can implement software quality and performance gates in your CI/CD workflow. If the demo gods are on their side, they will be demonstrating live, 2 new tools, plugged into Jenkins, that can help you do just that. The talk is entitled:  Improving code quality and performance using Jenkins,  and will be in room C.

If you are already running a CI workflow then no doubt you will be running jobs for automated build and test. But what about gates for code quality and performance? Well this is where tools like OverOps and Rigor can help. They assess whether there have been any new bugs or performance regressions introduced by the current build and can fail the build if it determines those regressions are serious.

As is usual, the sponsors’ exhibition runs on the Thursday & Friday, and we hope you can call in at our stand, B2, where we will be demonstrating Jenkins (other CI solutions are also available) with both quality and performance checks.

We look forward to seeing you at Devoxx if you can make it. Or if not, why not get in touch and we are more than happy to setup a short personalised demo of Rigor or OverOps and how they can supercharge your CI/CD workflow.

Event Details