Did you catch our webinar hosted by the UK OUG ?

On the 14th May, Martin Pinner of Application Performance presented a webinar, hosted by the UK Oracle User Group, discussing Oracle’s database performance toolsets, and put forward an alternative methodology for managing your Oracle database performance. I hope that you were able to make it.
During the session, Andy opened with the high costs of using Diagnostic & Tuning packs on Enterprise Edition, and wondered if there could be an alternative way, applicable to Standard Edition customers as well.
Martin introduced the Object Tuning Methodology, and suggested that tuning each individual SQL statement sometimes missed the interdependencies that could exist between tables and statements. The OTM takes a more holistic view of performance tuning, and we suggest gives substantial performance gains. And it can be used with Standard Edition where the more advanced Oracle tools such as SQL Tuning & Access Advisors are not available.
A recording of the webinar is available on the UK OUG YouTube channel and you can watch it here:
Interestingly, we took a poll of attendees during the webinar, which suggested that 75% or more of customers’ databases are running on Enterprise Edition, which was quite the opposite from our earlier research. We wondered why that was, but think that maybe the subject attracted customers who had more invested in high performance databases and hence Enterprise Edition.
If you were’t able to make the webinar but are still interested to know more about improving your Oracle database performance, then please contact us here, and we can tell you more about how you can adopt the Object Tuning Methodology.