All Stories

DIY during lockdown? – Join the queue… maybe forever!

We are living in unprecedented times, doing unprecedented things, and living in an unprecedented way… Things that we took for granted, only a month ago, are now distant memories. We’re...

Our commitment to customers during the COVID-19 crisis

Dear Customers and Partners, we want to take a moment to share with you the approach that we are taking to support our staff, customers, partners, and community during this...

Why we moved our blog from WordPress to Jekyll

Last year we made the decision to move both our blogs ( and to a Jekyll generated static site. Static sites are in fashion right now because they are...

Video - How Rigor can be used to add a Performance Gate to your Jenkins CI Pipeline.

In this short demo we look at how Rigor can be used as a performance gate for your Jenkins CI pipeline. 

Video - How OverOps can be used to add a Code-Quality Gate to your Jenkins CI Pipeline.

In this short demo we look at how OverOps can be used as a code-quality gate for your Jenkins CI pipeline. 

Adding performance and code quality gates to Jenkins CI

Recently we recorded a short video (2 mins 58s) to demonstrate how you can enhance your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline by added additional gates to stop slow or erroneous code...