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Instead of Celebrating in 2020, we’re Donating to Food Banks

To celebrate the release of DBmarlin as a GA product, the AP team agreed that we wanted to do something to give back to our communities, especially during the pandemic....

DBmarlin Play site launched

For anyone wishing to get hands-on with DBmarlin before deciding whether to try it for themselves, we now have the DBmarlin Play site where anyone can see the product with...

DBMarlin is now available for general release

We’re delighted to have received so much interest in DBmarlin, our next-generation database monitoring tool. We launched in beta in August 2020 and are proud to announce that as of...

Instana link to DBmarlin for deeper database insights

Instana customers may have seen that since yesterday, with the release of 1.191, you now have a new button when looking at database metrics. Scroll to the bottom of the...

The most popular databases 2006 to 2020

We recently announced that DBmarlin now supports the Top 4 databases, and mentioned that the top 4 have remained unchanged for more than 3 years (according to

Instana acquired by IBM

You may have heard the news on Wednesday that IBM are acquiring AP partner Instana.