Tag WebTuna

What is RUM, and how does it differ to Synthetics?

When you start researching and looking into web performance and monitoring, you are bound to come across several words and acronyms; EUM (End User Monitoring), Synthetic Monitoring, RUM (Real User...

OverOps can change the way you code

We have been using OverOps for a while now on the software that we develop at our sister company WebTuna. I am the main developer for WebTuna and I can...

Ymor - a company built on a unique application monitoring technology and a fully managed service

At AP we love partnering with innovative companies, and are really pleased to introduce you to Ymor, and their CEO, Martin van den Berge. Martin started Ymor back in 2003,...

Application Performance attends SharePoint Conference (SPC) 2014, Las Vegas

We are pleased to announce our participation in the Microsoft® SharePointTM Conference 2014 in Las Vegas.

SharePoint Best Practice and the Cloud Webinar

We are delighted to announce that SharePoint expert Simon Hudson from Cloud 2 is to present an AP webinar on SharePoint Best Practice and the Cloud.