Mick McGuinness
Mick McGuinness AP co-founder & DBmarlin Product Manager

Fixing application errors and exceptions fast

Fixing application errors and exceptions fast

AppDynamics is great at detecting errors and exceptions in your applications. You can see the frequency at which they are happening and which Business Transactions and Users are affected by them. This lets you quantify the impact of the error and prioritise the fix.

With AppDynamics you can see the error message or exception and stack trace so you know in which Class and Method it occurred. What AppDynamics can’t do though is show you the actual source code and variable state when the error occurred - this is where OverOps comes in.

OverOps is like a production debugger

It has very low overhead like AppDynamics and can coexist with it since they hook into your application in different ways (AppDynamics is a JVM agent whereas OverOps is a Native agent). With OverOps you can see the root cause of application bugs immediately as you have the source code and variable state across the call stack. You can even get the 250 lines of DEBUG logging leading up to the problem, even though you most likely don’t have DEBUG turned on in production.

Integrating with AppDynamics

OverOps works along side AppDynamics or other APM and Log Management tools to get you to the root cause of errors much quicker. There is even a click-through integration from APM and Log Management tools where OverOps embed a short URL into an error message or exception so that in one click you can go straight to the source code and variable states that let you fix the problem.

In summary OverOps provides the follow benefits:

  1. Reduce bugs, improve application reliability and code quality
  2. Protect brand, improve customer satisfaction, increase revenues
  3. Reduce Mean Time To Repair by ~ 90%
  4. Reduce P1 and P2 incidents
  5. Increase developers time spent on new production releases

We would love to discuss how OverOps can help you, so why not book a conversation at the AppDynamics Summit in London on the 3rd May or contact us to suggest another time.
